On Cozy Minimalism

Clutter. Is. Overwhelming. Trust me I know. I know because I used to live with every inch of my house filled to the brim with items I've accumulated since childhood.  Every closet, drawer, wall, & shelf were filled with things that I hardly used let alone looked at. The weight of the clutter caused so much unknown tension in my life until I finally decided to let it all go and begin my journey on simple living and minimally.

When most people think of minimalism I would bet they think of living with barely anything at all. Empty spaces and empty closets. I supposed to some that is true but to live minimally is such a fluid way of life. You need to find the level of minimalism that works for your family. For us, it's cozy minimalism. We still have "stuff" but not as much as we used to and nothing is filled to the brim.

Our home doesnt have clutter, anywhere. It took me about 18 months to get to this point. I still weekly purge the things that accumulate but we do not have anything in this home that we are not regularly using or going to use in the next week, month, or season.

Our life is significantly less stressful and significantly less cluttered mentally and physically. I dont have to open closets in fear of what may fall out. I can open and close all my drawers. There are no mounds of toys laying around. Laundry is done twice a week and is put away immediately because there isnt alot. It's just so freeing.

My best advice I could give someone who wants to start decluttering there life is to do some research and figure out if you really want the lifestyle and what level of minimalism you're interested in. If you're parents I highly suggest the book Simplicty Parenting by Kim John Payne. This book is a literal game changer and what kick started my personal journey. Another piece of advice I offer it to start small. Focus on one room a month. And every week if the month focus on one small drawer or closet or area of said room. It's going to be really hard at first to start getting rid of stuff but I promise you as time goes on it will get easier and your life and mind will be so much more at peacešŸ”


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